Breaching Transmissions
Immersive audiovisual performance with Sally Golding, taking the audience on a hallucinogenic dark carnival ride exploring the slippage between parapsychology and technology.
Exploring themes of ‘transmission’ and ‘medium’, Breaching Transmissions implicates the audience as participant by harnessing abstract infrared camera images of the viewer’s bodies in space to reconfigure the typical performer-technology-audience relationship. A sensory assault probing the ‘haunted’ in modern media, inhabiting the space between illusion and perception to manifest spectral horror and the etheric double.
Credits: Breaching Transmissions premiered at Melbourne International Film Festival at the Grey Gardens gallery, supported by an Emerging and Experimental Arts Grant, Australia Council for the Arts
Read an experiential review: Breaching Transmissions – Can expanded cinema expand your mind?, The Conversation, Polly Stanton & Sean Redmond, August 2015
Materials: 16mm film optical soundtrack, Kinect camera, data projector, camera flash units, sound composition, portable sonic devices, torch light, lenses
published on 15 Aug 2015