Transduction is a performative opti-sonic intervention designed for projection and multi-channel sound. Presented as an abstract animation of visual music, illusory visual and psychoacoustic effects probe perception via experimental psychological processes and kinetic optical techniques.
Building on the lineage of Primtives sympathetic approach to the material aspects of live audiovisual art, further deformation and alteration of coded light brings a new realisation to the relationships between seeing sound and hearing colour.
The performance is algorithmically generated and manipulated in realtime via live coding.
This is the latest project interrogating hacked code for excruciating light.
- Sonica x Iklectik: London, 2019
- Royal Academy of Arts: London, 2019
- Piksel: Bergen, 2019
- Total Cult: London, 2019
- Algorithmic Art Assembly at Gray Area: San Francisco, 2019
- Broken20: Glasgow, 2018
- Cafe OTO: London, 2018
You can read a short review of the Gray Area performance over at Cycling74.
Please view some more documentation here.
Multi-channel sound with performer in the centre of the space, facing the projection surface. Full details here.
Please email: matt.spendlove@gmail.com
published on 01 Jan 2018